Budapest Computational Neuroscience Forum

The Budapest Computational Neuroscience Forum is a series of informal monthly meetings of Budapest-based computational neuroscientists and computational cognitive scientists with the aim of facilitating discussion and cooperation among researchers working in different institutes and giving an opportunity to students to present their work and get to know the comunity. Originally started in 2007, restarted in 2017 and then again in 2023 the Forum is now regularly hosted by Central European University, and followed by a social event, both open to anyone interested.

Events of the Forum are advertised on a mailing list. If you wish to be on this list or have any inquiries about the series, contact Mihály Bányai.

Upcoming meeting:


Recent meetings of the Forum:

May 22, 2024. Nikola Milićević (Pennsylvania State University): Sensory systems and combinatorial neural codes. Recording here.

January 31, 2024. Zoltán Somogyvári (Wigner Institute): Seeing beyond the spikes: reconstructing the complete spatiotemporal membrane potential distribution from paired intra- and extracellular recordings

December 12, 2023. Máté Lengyel (Cambridge/CEU): Optimal information loading into working memory explains dynamic coding in prefrontal cortex. Recording here.

November 15, 2023. András Ecker (EPFL): Long-term plasticity induces sparse and specific synaptic changes in a biophysically detailed cortical model

October 25, 2023. Ferenc Csikor (Wigner Institute): Top-down perceptual inference shaping the activity of early visual cortex

October 4, 2023. Gábor Lengyel (University of Rochester): A General Method for Testing Bayesian Models Using Neural Data

September 1, 2023. Emmanuel Procyk (INSERM Lyon): Prefrontal neuronal dynamics, timescales, and behavioural flexibility

May 31, 2023. Atilla B. Kelemen (KOKI): Geometry of remapping in the hippocampus reflects task structure

April 26, 2023. Anna Székely (Wigner Institute): Identifying transfer learning in the reshaping of inductive biases

March 29, 2023. Merse Előd Gáspár (CEU): Discovering the internal predictive model of infants based on eye movements